Like a tree planted by a life-giving stream, North Star Mennonite Church is rooted and growing in God’s saving grace, ongoing healing, and everlasting hope through Jesus Christ. We commit ourselves to living a Christ-centered faith that shapes who we are.
Statement of Vision
Through the power and by the guidance of the Holy Spirit we at North Star Mennonite Church will be an Anabaptist congregation that:
- Shares our faith by what we say as well as by how we live; inviting all people to salvation and reconciliation with God and one another through Jesus Christ as members of his body.
- Regularly gathers to worship God blending together the forms that reflect our diversity and strengthens our unity.
- Welcomes and integrates people from all age groups, life stages and backgrounds.
- Reads and reflects on the Bible as the primary source for direction, encouragement and challenge for our life as a congregation, families and individuals.
- Practices prayer and other spiritual disciplines individually and as a community of faith.
- Practices tithing and stewardship of all God’s gifts.
- Offers Christian education programming grounded in biblical values.
- Actively discerns theology and church practices consistent with Scripture and in consideration of various Christian traditions.
- Discerns and develops each person’s gifts for ministry in the church and community.
- Organizes congregational life through stable yet flexible programs and structures.
- Develops small groups for fellowship, celebration, nurture and outreach; building trust and accountability with one another.